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Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity, and some related things like Expertise and Future of Work

Welcome to my new blog. You can read more about me in the About tab, top left. I'm looking forward to getting back to 'writing and thinking out loud' about Higher Education, Interdisciplinarity and other things that interest me. You can talk to me either here or on my linked Twitter feed.

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Resisting expertise

As I read more on interdisciplinarity, learn more about it through my daily work, talk more to colleagues who do fascinating...

Contradictions and language

The experience of life is beset with contradiction, even paradoxes. To say this is banal yet it touches the deepest parts of human...

Social science and value judgements

I had a nice conversation with one of my favourite philosophers at UCL recently, a man I respect greatly. His main research area has been...

A personal heritage…in links

This blog gives my intellectual and academic heritage. Paternal Grandfather: E H Gombrich and also here, at the Gombrich archive....

The good ship Society – a metaphor

Our collective social, political and economic stability is like a ship. This ship travels the waves of history, floating on the seas of...

Futuristic Money

My friend, the chemist and economist Peter Bowman, reminds me that money is ‘crystallised trust’. Another friend, the Art Historian...

Why go to university?

Leaving aside the discussion of value for money from a university education, why, if learning is what you are interested in, should you...

What makes money?

Our modern economies revolve around money. The health of the economy, in one way or another, is measured in terms of sums of money. When...


A debt that will not be repaid is a theft. A system based on debt only works if the creditors believe they will get their money back....

London Riots 2011 – and Rousseau

I don’t think the London riots of 2011 have one simple explanation. But for one view of why these things happen and the legitimacy of...

Economics – where are we?

I write as an amateur in economics. By that I mean that no-one has yet paid me for my views on economics, nor do I have any formal...

EH Gombrich and interdisciplinarity

I’ve been thinking about my grandfather EH Gombrich recently, and what he would have made of this talk of interdisciplinarity and what we...

Starting a blog – personal style

I guess the big deal about starting a blog is what you put out there first. I feel daunted about what stuff should first be committed for...

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