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Arts and Sciences – first blog

Welcome to my personal blog.

Over time I aim to post on many topics here – from my work on UCL’s Arts and Sciences (BASc) degree, to thoughts on academic and intellectual matters and more personal reflections.

This morning I have given a presentation on our new degree which was filmed for the Arts and Sciences website. These occasions almost always result in my thinking what an exciting project we are engaged in here. The ambition of Arts and Sciences (BASc) is huge, but so is the potential and so are the possibilities for students.

The team we have: Chiara Ambrosio, Richard Mole, Steve Price and Vin Walsh, is really exceptionally strong. Together we cover a lot of ground and life experience: from different cultures, our interests in science, music, humanities, health, politics, business, arts, sport; our different personalities and strengths, etc. And from my point of view – as someone focussed on teaching and the students – I think these colleagues will be central to a degree that will inspire our students, so that they will look back on their time at UCL as an important and valuable part of their lives.

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